this exciting electric jazz trio rides again, comprised of the exciting Anders Nilsson on guitar, the expressive Vinnie Sperrazza on drums, and the excessive Stuart Popejoy on electric bass. MOVED to Otto’s Shrunken Head:
All original tunes, many by myself, many by the fellas. A special event.
This Monday, join us for the very first Kyle’s Korner of the fall, featuring some very special kontributions from Sam Kulik and the Song Poem Paradise Project (with Kyle and Kevin Shea and “Jimmy Carter Says Yes”), Get the People (ditto, except the Jimmy Carter song), and Anders Nilsson with Stuart Popejoy and Vinnie Sperazza. It’s all free and it all starts at 10 PM this Monday, September 12th at
Otto’s Shrunken Head
538 E. 14th St. (btw Ave A and B)